Wealth management

Like a safeguard

La garde adheres to the same rules and convictions that have been pursued for several generations in the constitution and administration of its wealth.

Its goal : Maximize and allow its confidential investors to benefit from the returns enjoyed by LA GARDE in its own investment and optimization strategy.

A specific objective: investment and efficient management, a wealth of assets. Our goal is to ensure the transmission and sustainability of our assets and our know-how for future generations, to preserve their freedom.

« We believe in the synergy between our investors and us »

Wealth management, a structured strategy.


  • By investing only in our own assets, controlled investment funds and creations, away from over-consumption, away from the financial and banking system of credit and financing.

In wealth management, we achieve results which we reinvest in the real economy.

  • By optimizing the choice of country of residence, citizenship and business activity. LA GARDE guides its investors in making an appropriate and sustainable choice.